Hello and thank you for checking out info about my wedding paintings. The first thing you should know is you're in for something very different. You wont find the standard poses, bride and groom kissing, or any other trend that the bridal magazines and social media  told you about. What you will find, are weddings painted at breathtaking locations that focus on the specific light and atmosphere that shines on your day.  Why you ask?  
For one reason. To feel like you're there. Not just be reminded it happened. 

                                                                                              WHAT MAKES A PAINTING FEEL REAL?
                                                          The ILLUSION of light and many other things. But one thing its not, is the details.  

                                                          Im Shooting for a little more REALISM than what is usually offered out there.



 Options - What if there was only one kind of wedding dress out there? One kind of flowers? So then why do all the wedding paintings look so similar? I am happy to provide another option. 
Special Locations - You chose only one place to be the sacred site of your wedding.  The day will be a literal blur so featuring the surroundings is what I like to focus on.
3rd person viewing. Where is the bride and groom? My paintings are shown through your eyes so unless you are looking in a mirror, you wont see yourself. Think about every memory you will have on that day, they will be in 3rd PERSON! Now you see why I focus on that special location?
Focal Point. Speaking of focus, I put the wide picture in the scene in a way that we actually see.  And you'll be looking at that special location like we said.
My Style. I order things in terms of importance. Whatever amplifies the main idea is emphasized, whatever doesn't support the idea gets turned down and the clutter is removed. If that means some realism, some impressionism and suggestion then so be it. Not everything is painted the same because not everything is as important!
The Atomic Bomb + Your Imagination. Speaking of that impressionism, one of the reasons some details are only suggested and not fully spelled out, is I want to give room for day dreaming, curiosity, and remembering.  I paint the scene big enough that any memory can be recalled and the recollection loop can go on and on. If I paint everything in and the scene is small, you'll look at it for a second and be done. And that's no fun. This is a good good bomb.
Composition - Ill put it this way. What if your photographer tried to fit all 500 photos they will take that day into one?! That would be one ridiculous looking photo I think.  I try to take the main idea, arrange the shapes and elements beautifully to support one idea. Not every single possible idea at once. 
 Redundacy - If you hire a great photographer then why would we choose to paint something that already exists in a photo? Won't you have 2 of the same thing? Many justification exists that art can capture the spirit or essence the way a photo can not etc. While I agree yes it can, it depends on the artist. The fact that it is art means nothing of itself, its just colored mud not a magical ingredient.  I tell you know lie, a painting of your day next to a photograph of you two together will compliment each other quite nicely. 


 My wife told me a story,.. that her parents had a wedding painting in their house growing up and they said that it LOOKED LIKE the NEIGHBORS! Not mom and dad.  Funny but awful since my father in law was a tall 70s rocker but his likeness was off! 
Unfortunately what I mostly see out there in wedding paintings is the same thing, figures stiff as a board and look Frozen. I call them CAKE TOPPER PEOPLE ! 
After that, I immediately began offering the same paintings that I already do with the same process, ..only they were at weddings.  And while there are some great live painters out there that paint figures well, many don't, and there are options.

  Bride and Groom Couple Figurine Cake Topper - Light Complexion w/ Brown ...   


This is the live event painting on location.  The goal is to capture the light effect, atmosphere, and overall natural harmony that is unique to each day. If this is nailed, details don't matter.

Daytime   - This option is great for those who love sunshine. or a romantic church interior with the warm glow of candlelight. 
Sunset- this is basically sport painting. Happens in roughly 30 minutes.  The ceremony reveal will not include a finished painting, but  a start. 
Nocturne - This can occur just as quickly as a sunset and depending on the schedule of the reception it offers a limited reveal.
Interior -    Any time of day and works great for an old church ceremony or any of dramatic indoor location.

                                              Same location, 3 different weddings, 3 different times of day.


Whats the story?!

The purpose here is  to compose a  story of a singular moment at the wedding. Its like co writing a song together. We talk and discuss all the little things you love about the venue, the plans, the flowers, the people and what the feel of the painting could be like. Is it a slow song? Is it an upbeat dance tune? 

Process for studio - On the day of the wedding I will paint a small color study as a reference, as well as take many photo references and also composition pencil sketches for the studio later. It is a night of exploring and gathering of inspirational elements that can not be anticipated. 

The goal of this painting above was to be youthful, upbeat and capture the FEELING OF MOVEMENT that mimics viewing, nay,... EXPERIENCING a party in real life! I can hear that Justin Timberlake song getting cranked up all over again! 

I can only be so many places at once you know. Actually only one! Send me  your wedding date   in a message  here  Joe craighead art
Ill respond with my availability and a PRICE QUOTE.

5 stars
Reviewed On 11/14/2023 by Brandi I
Joe far exceeded our expectations! Joe is extraordinarily talented and so wonderful to work with. When meeting with him prior to our wedding we discussed how we wanted a piece of art that would truly take us back to our wedding day and remember exactly how we felt. I look at my beautiful painting and it illicits pure joy, it shows exactly the way the light was hitting the autumn leaves during our ceremony. His work is so true to how we experienced the best day of our lives and it truly tells a story. His attention to detail and thoughtfulness throughout the entire process was just so appreciated. He even went as far as to help me pick out a frame once our piece was completed. I am so thankful to have met Joe and to have been able to work with him. His beautiful painting from our wedding day is something we will treasure in our home forever. I can not recommend him enough.

5 stars
Reviewed On 9/03/2023 by Ashlyn M
Absolutely Perfect! 10/10 vendor. Joe painted us the two most beautiful paintings and memory we could have asked for on our wedding day! Joe took the time to discuss exactly what we wanted. He was so thoughtful & was a fantastic addition to our wedding. So professional and very kind! Our guests absolutely loved getting to watch Joe paint, and see the finished work the same day was such a treat! Our paintings were shipping to us quickly after the wedding, along with information about framing & getting prints if needed! We would definitely recommend you having a live painter, the paintings create the most beautiful memory we can always look back on!

5 stars

Reviewed On 11/06/2023 by Alyssa F
We absolutely LOVE our wedding painting!! From beginning to end, Joe displayed professionalism and dedication. He perfectly captured the essence of our special day, and that is not something that wedding painters often do. Most wedding paintings are just of the bride and groom together at the venue, nothing more than a replica of a photo the photographer took that day. Instead, Joe chooses to capture the emotions and the magic of that day, painting a special spot from the venue (usually your favorite part of that location!) that will make you think back to your wedding! All in all, we are very happy and I highly recommend hiring him for your special day.

5 stars
Reviewed On 11/06/2023 by Isaac F
He was extremely respectful and explained the painting so wonderfully. The finished product absolutely blew us away. Thank you so much!!!